Image: Stuart Miles / |
And now, because I think it is important to share, here are the 35 warning signs of suicide. Many of these overlap with the signs of depression.
The important thing to remember is: Help is available. If you have a friend of a loved one who is displaying these signs, then the hopeline at 1-800-SUICIDE can help you, too!
Suicide warning signs
- Appearing depressed or sad most of the time.
- Feeling hopeless.
- Expressing hopelessness.
- Withdrawing from family and friends.
- Sleeping too much, or too little.
- Feeling tired most of the time.
- Gaining or losing a significant amount of weight.
- Making statements such as:
"I can't go on any longer, I hate this life."
"Everyone would be better off without me."
"Life is not worth living anymore"
"I want to die." - Any mention of suicide.
- Writing notes or poems about suicide or death.
- Losing interest in most activities.
- Giving away prized possessions.
- Writing a will.
- No sense of humor.
- Facing a perceived humiliating situation.
- Facing a perceived failure.
- Feeling excessive guilt or shame.
- Acting irrationally.
- Being preoccupied with death or dying.
- Behaving recklessly.
- Irritability.
- Frequent complaining about headaches, stomachaches, etc.
- Neglecting personal appearance.
- A dramatic change in personal appearance.
- A dramatic change in personality.
- Performing poorly in work or school.
- Abusing alcohol or drugs.
- Inability to concentrate.